Moss Adams Business Consultants: Public Company Audits

Independent perspective for your audit committee—whether you’re preparing an IPO or maintaining your compliance.


Moss Adams is the independent auditor of record for public companies across industries—including entities with market capitalizations exceeding $3 billion as well as those working to register their equity and debt securities with the SEC.

Our dedicated partners and professionals are well qualified to address the full spectrum of your accounting and regulatory reporting requirements, and five of them have completed two-year terms as SEC Professional Accounting Fellows in Washington, DC. This direct involvement with the SEC and relevant committees—namely, the SEC Regulations Committee and Center for Audit Quality committees—provide us with extensive insight that we’ll put to direct use when we conduct your audit.

As your independent auditors, we’ll work directly with your audit committee and management team to develop a detailed and efficient audit plan that will provide an objective and independent perspective in an increasingly complex regulatory environment. To do this, we assemble an integrated audit team made up of accountants, corporate finance professionals, tax advisors, technology consultants, and professionals fluent in your industry, drawing on their individual expertise so we can deliver an audit solution that’s tailored to your organization and its particular needs.

With offices throughout the Western United States and support from Praxity AISBL, our international alliance of independent accounting firms, we’re equipped to handle your multistate and international business needs with ease. And the breadth of services we provide to public companies means we’ll be able to step in quickly and effectively to help your organization in other ways, including:

• Private debt and equity offerings
• Mergers and acquisitions
• Valuations
• Reorganizations
• Consolidations
• Leveraged capitalizations
• Divestitures and disposals
• Management buyouts
• Leveraged buyouts
• Corporate governance consulting
• Outsourced internal audits

Moss Adams is registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), which oversees audit services provided by CPA firms to SEC issuers and broker-dealers. Read our most recent PCAOB inspection report.

Contact us today to learn more about our public company assurance services or arrange a complimentary consultation.


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