Galveston Financial Capital: Resources

Star members and clients of the GC SBDC have access to a wide variety of resources to assist them in market research, general business management, or in getting their business started. The Director and the Consultants frequently write articles and are featured in newsletters addressing the concerns of business owners. As a Star member, you will receive our future newsletters as they are published.

The GC SBDC maintains a library of articles of interest to business owners and managers. Some are written by our own consultants and some are written by other experts. You can search these articles by topic here. If you do not find an article that answers your question, please call us for more information, or search the additional resources provided at the Regional center.

Regional Resources:
The GC SBDC is a member of the University of Houston SBDC Regional Network. We have access to a wide variety of specialty services offered through the University.


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Moss Adams Business Consultants: Public Company Audits

Independent perspective for your audit committee—whether you’re preparing an IPO or maintaining your compliance. INDEPENDENT PERSPECTIVE Moss Adams is the independent auditor of record for public companies across industries—including... Continue →